Sunday, April 22, 2007

Disney Days...

Wow..what a fun weekend. These were definitely Disney Days. :)

Last night we went to see *Meet the Robinsons* in 3D. It was such a great movie. Of couse I cried...I am such a sap. Ds really liked it too. Mom went with us while hubby and Dad went to see *300*.

Then today, we went to see Disney on was incredible! So much fun! We had the best seats in the house...front row, right on the ice. Geppetto wanted to take my son home with him because he thought he was Pinnochio...pretty neat! :)

At the end he got to be right next to the rink and shake everyone's hand. That was so cool!!! He was a little shy and kept coming back to the seat, so I went up with him. He would keep hugging me and smiling inbetween characters. I got tears in my eyes. So special...I am even more ready to take him to Disney World now!

I took over 100 pics, here are some highlights. The glasses one is from the movie...too cute, he actually kept them on and was interested in the whole movie!
The sword he got and shaking Buzz Lightyear's hand were the best parts for him. (He liked the whale in Pinnochio too, but I didn't get very good shots of that!)

Being a Mom gives me the chance to be a kid again! :) Love it!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like an awesome weekend - LOVE the pics...especially the one you and your boy!

Kristy said...

sounds like an incredible weekend! so glad DS {and you} had a great time!!!!

Jenn Breault said...

I love your last line "Being a Mom gives me the chance to be a kid again!" It's SO true! These pics are fantastic and I love love love that he got to meet BUZZ!!! So cool! You are the best mom...xoxo!

Suzanne said...

Aww, Rachel, looks like so much fun!

Jessica said...

WOW! how awesome is this!!!! love the pics, have fun editing! LOL! glad you are getting some fun time to spend with your DS!!

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